Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Oh, this is why I don't type on my phone. Aside from a very strange dream I just had, I've been thinking about my WIP (work in progress). This is a stretch to call it that sometimes, but it isn't a finished draft yet. The thing is I worked on it! I actually delved back in and I realized that I hadn't since October.
October. Six months without it. It is always in my thoughts, but I hadn't actually sat down with it. No wonder I was so twitchy. My need to finish telling this story is strong. Perhaps now I will finally crack down and do it. The biggest hurdle for me is time. I need to set aside a daily time slot that is strictly for writing. This is going to have to be in the early morning. I have really thought about this, I have tried other things. I've tried writing at night, which I would prefer. I am not a morning person. By nature I am a night owl. Mornings and I do not get along well. Never have. But there are distractions at night. Evenings are family time. By the time I would be writing I am tired, distracted, and don't focus well. Reading a book, or social media time. That's about all I'm good for, and that doesn't usually last very long these days. Maybe I'm getting old. Yesterday I was off and actually had time in the afternoon that I mentally set aside for writing. It was great. I looked forward to it while I did other things that I needed to do. Of course, it had been so long that I had to read what I had so far to get back into the flow, but then I was off. It was wonderful. This is what I want. I have stories in me that want out, and I must tell them to be me. That's all there is to it. I'll let you know how it goes.... (obviously this morning I did not get up early enough *sigh*) On another note: my sweet Grandbaby is six months old today! Holy cow, time does fly by!

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